Adult Math Classics
Dunham, The Mathematical Universe
Benjamin, Secrets of Mental Math
Penrose, The Road to Reality
Plato, Timaeus; First mathematical treatise of western thought
Aristotle, Analytica Priora et Posteriora; System of deductive logic and method
Euclid, The Elements (in three volumes); Exhaustive compliation of Greek geometry
Archimedes, The Sand Reckoner; Introduces base-ten system, principle of the logarithm
Archimedes, Method; Foundation of integral calculus
Apollonius, Conic Sections; Exhaustive work on the conic sections
Nicomachus, Introduction to Arithmetic; Compilation of arithmetic principles
Ptolemy, The Almagest; Greek trigonometry used to record star positions
al-Khowarizmi, al-jabr w’al-muqabalah; First treatise on algebra and Hindu-Arabic numerals
Fibonacci, Libro di bacci; Introduces Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe
da Vinci, Linear Perspective; The mathematical elements of painting
Stevin, La Disme; Systematic treatment of decimal fractions
Cardano, Ars Magna; Solves cubic and bi-quadratic equations, imaginary numbers
Galileo, Two New Sciences; Challenges Aristotle’s law of falling bodies
Descartes, Geometry; Lays the foundation of analytical geometry
Fermat, On the Theory of Probabilities; Pascal lays the foundation of probability
Newton, The Principia; Invention of calculus and defines gravity
Bernoulli, Law of Large Numbers; Lays the foundation of statistics
Euler, Seven Bridges of Konigsberg; Lays the foundation of topology
La Place, Celestial Mechanics; Applies calculus to heavenly orbits
La Place (Sommerville translation), Celestial Mechanics [click here for online text]; Expansion of La Place’s work
Boole, Symbolic Logic; Discovery of symbolic and boolean logic
Abbott, Flatland; Fictional work about mathematical dimensions
Poincare, Chance; Probability and statistics
Poincare, Mathematical Creation; How to create mathematics
Mendeleev, Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements; Lays the foundation for the periodic table
Whitehead, Principia Mathematica; Deepest study of the foundations of mathematics
Polya, How to Solve It; Problem solving
Jeans, Science and Music; Lays the foundation for the physics of music
von Neumann, Games and Economic Behavior; Lays the foundation of game theory