What Makes Our Units Special?
Children Choose Their Learning
When children are allowed to choose what they learn they will be invested, curious, and excited. Our picture book units put the child in the driver's seat while you have the peace of mind that they are getting a well rounded education.
Hands-On Learning
We believe children learn naturally when they are active.
Get outside to observe bees, build things with their hands, cook in the kitchen, create dioramas, make crafts, and more.
Build Family bonds
When parents are learning along with their children they create a stronger bond and show the children how important a good education is. Not only will your children learn new things, but you will too. Sharing this will strengthen family bonds as you enjoy learning together.
Contact Me with any questions
Editor Robert V. Faulkner
Illustrations and Logo Design Tanya Hales
© 2014 by Christine Owens Proudly created with Wix.com
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