My Story
Hey there, my name is Christine and I am so excited to introduce myself.
I am a Mommy of 4 kiddos (three boys and a super SURPRISE girl) and have been married for 20+ years. I have been homeschooling now for 10 years and wouldn't have it any other way (learn why I started to homeschool HERE).
I am the Author of Relaxed Homeschooling and A Year of Poetry Tea Time.
I Want To Help You!!!
So why did I start Little Rabbit Trails? I hear people all of the time asking how they can teach without a boxed curriculum. I hear people talking about internet safety. I hear people asking how to teach their kids through books. "How do you do it?" they ask.
And this is why I created Little Rabbit Trails . . . to help parents like you find a more enjoyable way to explore learning with your children. To help you see that it is possible to experience a great education in a whole new way.
-No More tears
-No More wasted planning
-Far Fewer worksheets
-No More curriculums that cost a bundle.
I want to help YOU create the inspiring environment that you imagined when you first started homeschooling. One where your children wake up and beg to start learning.
So I decided to take what my kids love and create it for other Moms. To save you the time and the headache and do it for a minimal price so anyone could experience learning through literature in a Child-led, worksheet- free way.
And that is why I created the Little Rabbit Trails Unit Studies
and Wrote the book Relaxed Homeschooling
I love to dance
I love old books
I would live in Germany again if I could
I like to be warm
I played army as a child (what can I say I had all brothers and a bit of a Tom boy)
I am trying to learn French, German, Latin, and Spanish
I don't like to run
I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, and LEGO
I love the color purple
I like to do ANYTHING that is creative
I am a night owl
I collect hippos
I love helping others
A Few Fun Things About Me

Thomas Jefferson Memorial in DC
We love to Travel
Why I Started Homeschooling
I started homeschooling after my oldest child had finished kindergarten. I WANTED MORE TIME WITH HIM! I did the same thing that we all do. I started to look online for the best curriculum. Eventually, I found what I thought would be the perfect curriculum and ordered it.
I WAS READY! The first few weeks were awesome. My son was enjoying the lessons and I was surprised how well he was keeping up with the fast pace prescribed. THEN IT HAPPENED...

Why I stopped doing "School at Home"
My son started to mix up letter sounds, get frustrated with reading and became resistant to doing his math. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE!!! This what not what I had pictured. I put away all of the curriculum and just decided to take a break from it.
"I could help children receive a more in depth, cohesive education that was fun and child-led, while at the same time, give a mother peace of mind and empower her to trust that her children naturally wanted to learn."
I found Thomas Jefferson Education. It strongly encouraged "getting of the conveyor belt", leaving the traditional idea of education behind and not doing "school at home". I read lots of chapter books out loud while the kids played, did crazy projects like starting our own news paper, read more books and went on field trips. (Read about how my Oldest learned how to read HERE)
Fast forward about 3 years and I was confidently following the Thomas Jefferson Education Philosophy of homeschooling and was making my own curriculum purely off of my children's interests. I realize that I could help people. I could help children receive a more in depth, cohesive education that was fun and child-led, while at the same time, give a mother peace of mind and empower her to trust that her children naturally wanted to learn.
So here I am with Little Rabbit Trails. A method of using classic books to help your children fall in love with learning while giving you the freedom to lead out and show your children how important a well rounded education is.
I also wrote the book Relaxed Hoomeschooling to teach others how to do it all on their own for those who like to blaze their own trail.